Alligator Wisdom
JoinedTopics Started by Alligator Wisdom
Regional Convention "Love Never Fails" Videos & Stage/Audio Guide
by Alligator Wisdom injust released to the general public -via- reddit op.
alligator wisdom (aka brother not exerting vigorously).
Japanese JW woman "volunteer missionary" murdered in Guatemala
by Alligator Wisdom insaw this in the headline news in japan as a jw sister "need-greater" in guatemala was murdered and her partner stabbed, but survived.
the news agency nhk on tv was quick to note a statement from the japan branch that these two women were volunteers and were doing their "bible education" work on their own dime..
Watchtower Society Videos/DVDs
by Alligator Wisdom inhas anyone noticed that the wts has so many videos/dvds about the organization, some about the bible and others about youths or the ministry work?
they even have a video/dvd about noah and david.. but i noticed that they haven't produced any about the one whom they claim as their king, jesus christ.
alligator wisdom (aka brother not exerting vigorously).
JAPAN Bethel downsizes with layoffs!
by Alligator Wisdom intwenty+ year veteran japanese bethelites sent to the field as special pioneers.
i don't have the exact number laid off.
however, there are a total of 550+ members at the ebina branch, so if the trend reflects the same as in the u.s. and europe branches, then we can assume at least between 10% - 20%.. in order to counterbalance the need for a work force but without having to incur expenses by housing and feeding them, japan bethel is considering opening the door to "commuting bethelites".
Question regarding JW and military service.
by Alligator Wisdom indoes anyone know when the wts started to refused baptism for those who were enlisted as active duty in the armed forces (military)?.
any reference material would be appreciated.. from what i remember hearing, back in the olden days (pre-50's or 60's) anyone wishing to be baptized only had to show up at a convention or assembly to get dunked.
no questions.
Question for JW historians regarding military service
by Alligator Wisdom in* deleted *.
i posted this topic under the wrong subject.. please see my inquiry under "beliefs, doctrines, practices".. alligator wisdom (aka brother not exerting vigorously).
WT BOOKS - Clean out the literature room at the KH
by Alligator Wisdom infor those who are still active and have access in obtaining literature from the kingdom hall, would you do this?.
to just give away literature, especially books, from the literature desk to force printing.. in giving away literature, especially the costlier books than magazines, it will force the wts to print more and use up assets.
just give these books away at the doors.
Who CONFIRMED the BIG announcement about the Book Study?
by Alligator Wisdom inthis seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.. out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort.
i was wondering how many confirmations we have about this.
there were only a few that sounded like confirmations that i found posted on this site.
Getting on the elders nerves...
by Alligator Wisdom in...without doing anything unscriptural.. what made them jealous, nervous or afraid of your behavior that wasn't against anything in the bible?.
for me, i find plenty of information on this forum way before any in the congregation (or circuit/district for that matter).
everything from new campaigns, death of gb members, letter to the body of elders (as in the new wt format arrangement starting next year), question from readers in wt magazines that haven't even been delivered to the congregation, ordering the new revelation book in paperback with the revisions already in it while the entire congregation is cutting and pasting out of the kingdom ministry insert...etc.. how do i know all of these things?